Satoru Takagi, Ph.D. 高木 悟 @ 早稲田大学 グローバルエデュケーションセンター (GEC) 数学教育部門 教授・教務主任, 博士(学術)
Link -- Professor and Associate Director, Department of Mathematics, Global Education Center (GEC), Waseda University
- Academic Achievements / Academic Achievements (Japanese) / researchmap / researchmap (Japanese)
- News ワセダベア
- Lectures <授業のページ>
- Book Information <著書の情報 (訂正情報・補足資料あり)>
-- Some information about my books including errata can be found here.
- My Favorite Things
-- These are a few of my favorite things...
- Waseda University Game Sciences Laboratory / Japanese version / Seminar <早稲田大学ゲームの科学研究所とそのセミナー>
-- I am a research director of Waseda University Game Sciences Laboratory which is one of research projects in Waseda University.
- Mathematics Education Society of Waseda University <早稲田大学数学教育学会>
-- I am a vice president of the Mathematics Education Society of Waseda University.
- Research Group on Advanced Mathematical Literacy Education <高水準の数学的リテラシー教育研究会>
-- I am a co-investigator of the Research Group on Advanced Mathematical Literacy Education.
- Kogakuin University / Waseda University GEC Joint Mathematical Science Seminar <工学院大/早大GEC数理セミナー (旧 : 工学院大学数理セミナー)>
-- I am a coordinator of Kogakuin University / Waseda University GEC Joint Mathematical Science Seminar.
- Fuzzy Scientific Symposium <ファジィ科学シンポジウム>
-- I am also a coordinator of the Fuzzy Scientific Symposium.
- Contact Information <連絡先>